Cheap Flights to Morocco

Alternative, Similarly Priced Destinations

Find flights to Morocco

Flights to Agadir
Flights to Casablanca
Flights to Fez

Flights to Marrakech
Flights to Tangier

Select your preferred route to Morocco from United Kingdom below

Aberdeen to Morocco
Belfast City to Morocco
Belfast Intl to Morocco
Belfast to Morocco
Birmingham to Morocco
Bristol to Morocco
Cardiff to Morocco
Doncaster to Morocco
Dublin to Morocco
Dundee to Morocco
East Midlands to Morocco
Edinburgh to Morocco
England to Morocco
Exeter to Morocco
Gatwick to Morocco
Glasgow to Morocco
Heathrow to Morocco
Inverness to Morocco

Ireland to Morocco
Leeds to Morocco
Liverpool to Morocco
London to Morocco
Luton to Morocco
Manchester to Morocco
Newcastle upon Tyne to Morocco
Newquay to Morocco
Northern Ireland to Morocco
Norwich to Morocco
Prestwick to Morocco
Scotland to Morocco
Sheffield to Morocco
Southampton to Morocco
Southend to Morocco
Stansted to Morocco
United Kingdom to Morocco
Wales to Morocco

Cheapest flights to Morocco

London to Fez flights from £14 pp
London to Agadir flights from £14 pp
London to Casablanca flights from £20 pp
Edinburgh to Marrakech flights from £23 pp
Manchester to Agadir flights from £23 pp
London to Rabat flights from £27 pp
London to Marrakech flights from £27 pp
Manchester to Marrakech flights from £31 pp

London to Tangier flights from £34 pp
Manchester to Fez flights from £46 pp
Manchester to Tangier flights from £47 pp
Edinburgh to Fez flights from £47 pp
Bristol to Marrakech flights from £47 pp
Birmingham to Fez flights from £48 pp
Liverpool to Marrakech flights from £49 pp
Birmingham to Agadir flights from £49 pp

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